ILL 265 – History of Illustration
Syllabus - Fall 2013
Course information: ILL 265, Shemin Auditorium, Shaffer
Sec. 001,Thursday, 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Instructor: Bob Dacey
102 Shaffer
Office hours: Thursdays, 12:00pm - 4:00 (by appointment)
Office phone: 443-4613
Studio phone: 476-6139
mailbox in main office (102 Shaffer)
Starting with early political and decorative prints, etchings, and wood engravings from the Civil War Era and the impact of full-color printing processes, this class is an exploration of illustration’s influence on, and reflection of, American culture. Relevant aspects pertaining to illustration’s role in our history will bridge past and present to help inform students of connections between traditional and contemporary directions in visual communications.
Each week a lecture and slide presentation will introduce, explore, and evaluate the history, basic functions, practical applications, supporting ideas, and finished artwork involved in the field of illustration. Students are expected to take organized notes, and invited and encouraged to add relevant input.
The Illustrator in America 1860-2000 by Walt Reed
This is the required text for this class. It can be purchased at the Syracuse University Bookstore or the Society of Illustrators, 128 East 63rd St., New York, NY 10021 (212/838-2560).
There will be a mid-term and final exam, which will combine for two thirds of the grade for this class.
Research paper due dates will be assigned. Meet your deadlines! Being late will lower your grade! Student work may be reproduced for use by the instructor.
1. Illustration is a research field. Get to know what’s available to aid you. Bird Library has a wealth of relevant visual resources on the 4th floor. Don't ignore the Moon Library at SUNY ESF (behind the Carrier Dome). The main Onondaga County Library, in the downtown Galleria Mall, has design and illustration annuals, videos, and art books, which can help immensely.
2. In connection with their educational mission statement, the Society of Illustrators, 128 E.63rd. St., New York, NY (212/838-2560) has a library, open to students of the field of illustration as well as professions, on the fourth floor, which is an important resource for books and periodicals on illustration and related fields. Books and catalogues on the field of illustration are available through their bookstore. Original artwork is on display in the Society’s two main galleries, the third floor Member’s Gallery, and the dining room’s ongoing display of original illustrations from their permanent collection.
1. ATTENDANCE- Attendance is mandatory. One absence for the semester will be tolerated; however, you are still responsible for information presented in class (See "Grading"). Lateness or skipping out early will count towards an absence and will lower your grade. Two absences, for any reason, will lower your final grade by one letter grade. You will FAIL this course in the event of third absence! Sign-in sheets will be passed out at the beginning of each class. Any student falsifying the attendance record by signing any name other than their own or having someone else sign your name for you (even if you are in attendance) will receive an F for this course. Sign your own name in a consistent manner. Students with signatures that do not match will receive an F for the semester.
2. GRADING- Grading is based on attitude, attendance, research paper, mid-term and final tests. There are no make-up tests. If you miss a test, an extensive research paper will be substituted. Presentation of assignments reflects attitude and is part of the grade. Grades are not given. They are earned and recorded according to your efforts. The final grade will be an average of all grades earned during the semester. If you have any concerns about your progress at any time during the semester, please contact your instructor.
Incompletes will be granted only in extenuating circumstances. If you have a valid medical excuse or family emergency, and you've completed the bulk of course work for the semester, an incomplete is possible. You are responsible for initiating the paper work for an incomplete.
Any student who needs special consideration in the course due to a disability of any sort, please make an appointment to discuss accommodations.
Students who are in need of disability-related academic accommodations must register with the Office of Disability Services (ODS), 804 University Avenue, Rm.309, 315/443-4498. Students with authorized disability-related accommodations should provide a current Accommodations Authorization Letter from ODS to the instructor and review those accommodations with the instructor. Accommodations, such as exam administration, are not provided retroactively: therefore, planning for accommodations as early as possible is necessary. For further information, see the ODS website,
This Syllabus is subject to change as needs arise.